How To Choose The Right Backpack For School

Schools have reopened and it’s been a time of mixed emotions—on one hand students have been anticipating their return to school and meeting their teachers and friends while on the other getting back to the grueling routine after a hiatus of six long months will take its time to adjust to.

One of the aspects that will surely make the back to school period easier is being prepared with the right school accessories, one of the most important being the school backpack. Even though you might have to suffer the hassle to shop for uniforms, shoes and books from stores, a superior quality backpack is something that be ordered online at the click of the button.

However, here is a checklist for what aspects to consider when shopping online for your backpack. 

1.Don’t let appearances deceive you

When you begin to shop online for school bags you might be inundated with multiple images of attractive backpacks but what one needs to be sure of is whether they are sturdy enough to accommodate books and supplies. Backpacks with garish colours or cartoon characters might excite your children momentarily but as a parent you will have to help them choose a branded backpack that would be practical and last you the entire academic year and come with the surety of quality.

2.Read up on how its built

Elements like the fact that the weight should not exceed 10% of the wearer’s weight and have a padded back and padded shoulder straps, wide on the top and narrower under the arms are only found in branded backpacks like the Wenger backpack series available at The Explorer in Pakistan. In case of physically shopping for a backpack one can check for these elements first hand but shopping online for backpacks doesn’t give you that reliability unless you shop at a reputed store and purchase a reputed brand.

3.Notice the organization of the backpack

Depending on the grade level of the child for whom you want to buy a backpack it’s ideal you note the number of pockets it has to allow for better organization of books, stationery supplies and a lunch box. Also a Wenger backpack like the one

available online at The Explorer comes with pockets to distribute the weight of the objects and equipped with waist, chest and side straps to stabilize objects and distribute weight.

When helping your kids pack their backpack guide them to place heavy objects close to the body in the center of the bag; sharp objects outward to avoid pressure points and adjust the straps on both shoulders. Adjust the bag at the shoulder’s level ensuring that the bottom of the bag not go down on the buttocks, but be between 5 and 10 cm below the waist.

So as your children return to physical school, choose a backpack online from The Explorer that will help organize their books and supplies in the best possible way so that everything is handy and safe and carrying the backpack is as comfortable as possible.

A branded Wenger backpack might be a little more expensive than a regular one but it will prevent the spine from reacting by leaning forwards, backwards or sideways and will avoid the tiring of the back, neck and shoulders muscles. Available in attractive and neutral colours, Wenger backpacks are perfect for any gender and appeal to all age levels.

Needless to say, your child’s health is the most important consideration to make when buying a backpack and Wenger backpacks at The Explorer will help make your child’s school year a comfortable one.

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